TZ-180 Screw Manure Separator to Indonesia

On October 23rd, 2023, Tianzhong Machinery successfully shipped a TZ-180 screw manure separator to Indonesia. This machine will be used to process cow dung.

TZ-180 separador de estiércol utilizes a screw press mechanism to separate liquid and solid components of cow dung, making it easier to manage and utilize. The dewatered solid is rich in nutrients, making it an excellent source of organic fertilizer. Farmers can use this nutrient-rich material to improve soil fertility and enhance crop yields. Tianzhong Machinery has three models of screw press manure separator machines to choose from. Welcome to contact us for more details!

  • Fecha de envío: October 23, 2023
  • Ubicación: Indonesia
  • Máquina: TZ-180 Manure Separator
  • Materiales a procesar: Cow dung
Manure Separator to Indonesia
Manure Separator to Indonesia
TZ-180 Cow Dung Separator to Indonesia
Cow Dung Separator to Indonesia