On August 28, 2023, a TZ-10-500 screw press dewatering machine was shipped to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This machine is employed to process fruit and vegetable waste, which is a sustainable solution for waste reduction and resource recovery. The machine can process up to 10 tons of organic waste per hour, making it suitable for large-scale waste management operations.
Its screw press technology efficiently separates liquid from organic waste, reducing the volume and weight of the waste material. Thereby, it will decrease the demand for landfill space and reduce related costs, such as transportation, further disposal, etc. Tianzhong Machinery offers various models of screw press machines to choose from. Welcome to contact us for more details!
Shipping date: August 28, 2023
Location: UAE
Machines: TZ-10-500 Screw Press
Materials to Process: Fruit and Vegetable Waste